To 2013
2014-01-05 10:33:01
Very quietly snake year takes leave;As quietly as horse year came here; As Jack Yu said ,before horse year came he has to say something ,but has no idea about what to say .Let us say something about grateful .
Reviewed our 2013 ,TOP 10 of the most grateful people and events
1、Ubuntu Kylin team
List reasons:We were so grateful to UK team members for all had done.
2、Meng Yuan and his blog
List reasons:Meng Yuan is a cute man with a cuter name who has energy to discuss with Kingsoft fans.
3、Kingsoft company
List reasons: Kingsoft company is the symbol of reliable.

4、Leonard & Richard
List reasons:Leonard—Strategic architecture of Canonical/Ubuntu ,Richard—Manager of Canonical China,is a bridge connect with UK and Canonical、Ubuntu community ,made great contribute to Ubuntu in China。
5、Linux Deepin
List reasons:Best friend always is our competitor.
6、Friends in community
List reasons:When you are at home,you depend on your parents,however,you should depend on your friends when you in community.(maxiaojun、Benniaodidi leave a deep impression on me)
7、Open source community in China
List reasons:They provide support when UK as a baby time。Thank open source club in Chinese Academy of Sciences(Lihang LI、Zhihua LI),Student management in Qinghua university(Qi Xiao),Linux user group in Guangzhou(Jactry)、Zhong Shan university mirror website(Peishi),and Nan Kai university Linux user group(Xiangchun Guo)……
8、Wallpaper contest
List reasons:Since ancient times, the hero of Youth, congratulations to winner Li Shen from Guangzhou!Wish he will get a high score in College Entrance Examination next year~
9、The forum server shut down
List reasons:April 25,Ubuntu Kylin 13.04 was released,community was attacked。Felt our team members all grow up in one night.
List reasons:The international community advanced platform.
2013 is destined to be an extraordinary year,let us join together to make our national Chinese os dream come true.