Ubuntu Kylin 17.10 Final Beta Testing Version Has Released
2017-11-14 16:41:08
28th September, Ubuntu Kylin/ Ubuntu released 17.10 Final Beta as a short-term supported version, code Artful Aardvark. Different from former editions, Ubuntu Kylin 17.10 Final Beta only has the brand new light-weight desktop environment UKUI. In the mean time, fixed several local bugs. More new functions and application will demonstrate in official version in October. Please stay tuned.
PS: This Final Beta version is mainly used for developer and testing engineer.
Downloading address: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntukylin/releases/17.10/beta-2
Version Condition:http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=ubuntukylin
More Information:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/Beta2/UbuntuKylin
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