


Learn about the latest news.

  • Ubuntu Kylin 17.04 and YHKylin OS community version are released

    GMT +8, 13th, April, 2017, the official version of Ubuntu 17.04 is released. In the same time,we are glad to announce the Release of Ubuntu Kylin 17.04 (codename ZestyZapus), and in this release, exce


  • Ubuntu Kylin 16.10 Final and 1604 UKUI Preview Released!

    Today (October 14, 2016, Beijingtime), Ubuntu 16.10 Final is released and so are Ubuntu Kylin, Kubuntu,Lubuntu, Ubuntu MATE and Ubuntu Cloud. Ubuntu Kylin development team isalso pleased to release Ubuntu Kylin 16.10 Final, codenamed “YakketyYak”. In this release, in order to enhance the Chinese user experience,we mainly improve the native experience and stability and add and modifysome features. All the work of Ubuntu Kylin development team associatesclosely with the Ubuntu community and ecological environment. Our gainshave been uploaded to Ubuntu and upper international open sourcecommunity. Both users of Ubuntu and Ubuntu Kylin can enjoy our worknaturally and easily.


  • Ubuntu Kylin 16.04 Officially Release

    On April 21, 2016, as a biennial open-source event, a press conference entitled "Be an operating system thought the most of the needs of Chinese users - Ubuntu Kylin 16.04 Officially Released" is held in Park Plaza Beijing Science Park. At the same time, Ubuntu Kylin 16.04 Release Series which is given by Ubuntu Kylin community and Open Source China will open its season in dozens of cities around the country.


  • Ubuntu Kylin 15.10 Final Released

    On October 23, 2015, Beijing time, Ubuntu 15.10 Final is released and so are Ubuntu Kylin, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu MATE and Ubuntu Cloud. Now, it is very glad to release Ubuntu Kylin 15.10 Final, codenamed “Wily Werewolf”. In this release, we improve the system stability and native user experience and fix many remaining bugs about i18n/l10n. All the work of Ubuntu Kylin development team associates closely with the Ubuntu community and the environment. Our gains have been uploaded to Ubuntu and upper Open Source Community. Users of Ubuntu Kylin and Ubuntu can enjoy the fruits of our work natrually and easily.


  • Love Designs, Love Desktop —— Ubuntu Kylin 15.10 Wallpaper Contest

    Ubuntu Kylin 15.10 will be officially released in October. In order to offer an excellent customer experience on the desktop, Ubuntu Kylin community will host Love Designs, Love Desktop —— Ubuntu Kylin 15.10 Wallpaper Contest from July 20, 2015 to September 1, 2015. The contest, open to all the Ubuntu Kylin enthusiasts, collects the most beautiful desktop wallpapers. Come on, everyone! Please join us!


  • ASUS desktop and laptop pre-loaded Ubuntu Kylin are going public!



  • HP computers pre-installed Ubuntu Kylin is going public in China!



  • Ubuntu Kylin provides the operating system training services for African countries!



  • Ubuntu Kylin 15.04 National Release Series - Xi'an station is rounded off!



  • Sogou Pinyin for Linux V1.2 Update released and multiple bugs about user experience fixed!



  • Ubuntu Kylin 15.04 National Release Series - Zhumadian Station is rounded off!



  • Ubuntu Kylin 15.04 National Release Series - Tianjin Station is rounded off!



  • Ubuntu Kylin 15.04 National Release Series - Tianjin Station (home)



  • 【Poster】Ubuntu Kylin 15.04 Release Party - WZVCST MakerSpace

